

Eating disorders have defaced a lot of men and women across the globe due to the complications they bring. These are a group of serious conditions that can prove fatal if left untreated. If you suspect yourself or a loved one having an eating disorder, look at the tips listed below to help you manage it:

  • Evaluate yourself Self-evaluation is the first step in diagnosing an eating disorder. Many people shrug off bizarre eating habits as just a sign of who they are. But ask yourself, do you often binge and feel guilty afterwards? Do you induce vomiting? Do you starve yourself because you think you’re too fat, when people tell you you’ve lost lots of weight? If you answer yes to any of these questions, then it’s time to head to step 2.
  • Seek help Any “yes” to questions above need professional help. Seeking help can give you options on what therapy to undergo, and making sure you move forward to the path of recovery. Seek countless opinions if you must, and choose the one that you are most comfortable with and can work with to overcome your eating disorder.
  • Involve your family Many people with eating disorders have families who are unaware of the turmoil going on through their life. Eating disorders are products of depression, low self-esteem, and lack of support. Talk to your loved ones and tell them the pain you are going through, and you will be surprised how much support you can garner from them.
  • Keep a journal As you undergo therapy, you will notice how hard it is to keep on track. Keep a journal as you go on your way so that on days you feel low or lost, you can look back (or read back) how you’ve felt on other days too, and to inspire confidence in you to hold on and continue the program.
  • Share your success. Every small success in your program to health is worth sharing. Studies show that the more people tell others of their success, the more they believe in themselves. So don’t be shy, tell your family how far you’ve gone, and sooner or later, you’re nearing the path to a health life.